A question we are commonly asked: Is there a difference between almond meal and almond flour?
The answer: YES!
The Difference Between Almond Meal and Almond Flour
While almond meal is typically made from raw (unpeeled) almonds, almond flour is made from blanched (peeled) almonds.
Compared to almond meal, almond flour has a finer texture and lighter color. These differences are even more pronounced when comparing almond flour to almond meal made from leftover almond pulp (all three versions pictured below — top: almond meal from pulp, middle: almond meal from raw almonds, bottom: almond flour).

When to Use Almond Meal vs Almond Flour?
Almond meal and almond flour can typically be used interchangeably in quick breads and cookies and they are great gluten-free alternatives to traditional flours.
But for recipes where a more cake-like consistency and less pronounced almond flavor is desired, almond flour is definitely the way to go because of its lighter texture, color, and neutral flavor.
You can see an example of where we used almond meal in these 5-Ingredient Vegan Gluten Free Cookies and an example of where we used almond flour in this 1-Bowl Vegan Gluten Free Vanilla Cake.

How to Make Almond Flour
Making homemade almond flour is very simple! It requires only 1 ingredient, 1 blender, and 5 minutes.
Simply add blanched almonds to a blender and blitz until a fine, powdery flour is achieved. You know you’ve gone too far if it starts turning to almond butter instead.
Not only is it simple to make, but homemade almond flour tastes fresher and is usually more cost-effective than storebought.

Almond Flour Recipes
Now that you’ve made almond flour, it’s time to put it to use!
This nutrient-rich flour lends itself well to cookies, cakes, and so much more! We typically like to use a mix of flours in a recipe in order to achieve the ideal texture and flavor.
Here are some of our favorite recipes using almond flour as an ingredient:
- Vegan Gluten-Free Vanilla Wafers
- Fluffy 1-Bowl Sugar Cookies (Vegan + GF)
- The Perfect Vegan Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Fudgy Vegan Brownie Cookies
- Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Peanut Butter Cup Cookies (V/GF)
- 5-Ingredient No-Bake Peanut Butter Thumbprints
- 1-Bowl Vegan Gluten-Free Carrot Cake
- 1-Bowl Vegan Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake
- Creamy Pumpkin Pie Bars (V + GF)
If you try this recipe, let us know! Leave a comment, rate it, and don’t forget to tag a photo #minimalistbaker on Instagram. Cheers, friends!

How to Make Almond Flour
- Add almonds to a high-speed blender and blend on high until a fine, powdery flour is achieved. We recommend turning the blender on the highest setting for 5-10 seconds. Then stop, shake the blender container, and hit the sides to shake loose any clumps that have formed on the sides. Blend again until fine and powdery — all in all about 10-15 seconds of blending. You’ll know you’ve gone too far if it starts turning to almond butter or clumping up on the sides.
- Check your blender for bits of nuts and continue blending, occasionally removing your blender from the base and shaking to ensure all almonds are well blended.
- Transfer to a jar or container and store up to 1 month unrefrigerated, often longer. See notes for recipe suggestions.
*Here are some of our favorite recipes using almond flour as an ingredient:
- Vegan Gluten-Free Vanilla Wafers
- Fluffy 1-Bowl Sugar Cookies (Vegan + GF)
- The Perfect Vegan Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Fudgy Vegan Brownie Cookies
- Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Peanut Butter Cup Cookies (V/GF)
- 5-Ingredient No-Bake Peanut Butter Thumbprints
- 1-Bowl Vegan Gluten-Free Carrot Cake
- 1-Bowl Vegan Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake
- Creamy Pumpkin Pie Bars (V + GF)
Mel says
Hi! I love making no-bake peanut butter/chocolate treats for a close friend. I was looking forward to trying your recipe, but it uses almond flour and coconut oil. I am deadly allergic to tree nuts. Substitutions please?
Thank you!
Hi Mel, which recipe are you hoping to make?
Henri says
Hey the Team,
Hope you are doing well !
For Blondies or Brownies you recommend Almond Flour not meal?
Because Meal has more flavor but more dense than Almond flour…
And can we use Cashews to make Cashew flour and replace Almond flour with it in recipes?
Moisture will be same?
Please let me know…
Henri 🙂
Hi Henri, Thank you! We hope you’re doing well also! Yes, we do recommend almond flour because it’s more cake-like vs. wholesome. Cashew flour can work well in place of almond flour, but the higher fat content means it can turn out more oily. We would suggest using slightly less oil to compensate. Hope that helps!
Teresa says
I have blanched almond slivers but I have roasted them will they still work. Thanks for your input.
Hi Teresa, we would not recommended making almond flour from dry roasted almonds, the flavor and texture will not be right. However you could make some delicious almond butter! Hope this helps!
linda f collins says
I have bag of whole almonds that have been invaded by bugs. Trying to salvage them by washing them under running water and have cleaned them up. Do I now put them in oven to dry? If so, what temp. and how long?
Cindy says
Ma’am, I’m not being rude or disrespectful. But more concerned about cleanliness, and bacteria from said bugs. I know almonds can be higher priced, but I would NEVER suggest to anyone to try salvaging ANYTHING that one thinks has been invaded by bugs!! I am sorry but I would never want to try someone’s recipe with an ingredient that had previously been invaded by bugs. How do you know what bacteria might have made it in there, and now is contagious?
Michael says
Misleading title! 5 mins?!
Unfortunately the video only shows the final step!
Karen says
I was given several big bags of roasted almonds can I still use these to make almond flour,meal and butter?
Hi Karen, we would not recommended making almond flour from dry roasted almonds, the flavor and texture will not be right. However you could make some delicious almond butter! Hope this helps!
Antonia says
Hey MB, cool post you got there, got me interested in buying a blendtec blender. So I found 1 refurbished at 300Euros( i don’t live in US). Which Container should I use? Foursides or Wildside? Can I use both to make almond flour?
Thank you
Either should work!
Susan says
Hi, I don’t have a question but a comment. I’m new to your site, however I am so happy to have found it and will definitely be baking recipes. I have a comment regarding the dialog about the blender/food processors. I own 2 Vitamix, a large one for wet etc. and a smaller one that is typically for dry ingredients. I make oat flour in this one and would use it for making almond flour as well. It is a smaller version of the large processor, 4 cups, the base fits on the larger ones base perfectly. Like my big one, it does a great job. Hope this helps. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing, Susan!
Paul says
Hi , can I still use if I have gone too far with blending as gone a bit clumpy?
Hi Paul! That should be fine, as long as the flour doesn’t feel too oily or moist. Hope this helps!
Robin says
Hey thanks! Also, I wonder if the grind matters?
Hi Robin, if it’s more finely ground, it will be more absorbent. Hope that helps!
Judy Gaff says
Can almond flour be nade from dry roasted almonds? Thank you.
Hi Judy! We would not recommended making almond flour from dry roasted almonds, the flavor and texture will not be right. Hope this helps!
Jennifer says
Hi, do you have a bread recipe with almond flour please.
Thank you in advance .
Hi Jennifer, we have quick breads (zucchini, lemon loaf) that have almond flour, but not a sandwich-style bread. Hope that helps!
Gamma says
Hi there! Thank you for this (and all!) recipe! Do you have a technique for making defatted almond flour? We’ve found it is a PERFECT sub for crispy breading (especially when combined with nutritional yeast) and for making excellent pizza dough. It’s just so expensive and in short supply, so I’d love to find a good way to make it at home. Thanks again!
Hi Gamma, we aren’t familiar with defatted almond flour so we aren’t certain of the consistency. But one idea would be to use our recipe for making almond meal from almond pulp (you could use blanched almonds from if you don’t want the skins). It has less fat because some of the fat goes toward making the almond milk. Hope that helps!
Gamma says
Thank you!
Karen Kook says
I want to make macaroons (which requires almond FLOUR) but I gave tonnes (a slight exaggeration…) of almond MEAL. Can I whizz the almond meal in the thermomix dowm a a finer powder like almond flour and use that do you think/know/suggest?
Cheers, KK
Hi Karen, almond meal will be more fibrous than almond flour because it has the skin. It usually works OK as a sub in baking, but almond flour is best.
KAREN says
Thanks! :)
S B says
It turned out perfect! I added a tsp full of white sugar while grinding (less than 10 seconds) and it helped to keep the flour dry and not turn into butter.
The blanched almonds have to be peeled and then dried. Making sure there is no moisture is the key.
Thanks for sharing!
Leslie says
Lightly boil for a minute if want it more pasty. I also found that adding skim milk to it makes it creamier and easier to apply. Some suggest adding a bit of red pepper juice, watercress, blueberry or spinach. Green Tea is good too.
Eating colorful foods, pistachios (wards off type 2 diabetes), sweet potatoes, Pomegranate seeds, walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts will help with oxygenation, circulation, muscle health. Reduces inflammation and protects us from pollution and uv rays.
Annette says
1 pound of almonds makes how many cups of almond flour?
~4 1/2 cups
Jasica says
After i blanched the almond, do i need to remove the almond skin before blending it?
Hi Jasica, hmm, we’re not sure we are following your question correctly. We buy almonds that have already been blanched and do not have skin on them. See photos above recipe.
Jasica says
what if i were to use raw almonds, soak them and blanch them myself instead? Do i still need to remove the skin ? And also do i need to wait for it to dry before blending it to make flour?
Hi Jasica, we’re not familiar with the blanching process, but we do think you would need to dry completely. If you don’t remove the skins, you’ll end up with almond meal instead of almond flour =)
Sandra says
A very late response. Blanching means to whiten, you need to peel off the brown skin from the soaked almond.
Robin says
V says
may i use roasted almond instead raw almond?
We wouldn’t recommend that as it may impact the flavor of what you are making. But it will depend on the recipe! Hope that helps!
Armin Smit says
Hi, will this work in making macrons and would you use slivered ir blanched almonds (any difference)?
Hi Armin, we’re not sure if it would work as we’ve never tried it. We use slivered, blanched almonds to make almond flour.
Tom says
What is a “blanched” almond?
It’s been quick boiled which causes them to soften slightly and the skins to peel off.
Robin says
Freshly skinned almonds are best so I Recommend blanching 1/2 c. at one time, Raw almonds to small amount of **boiling** water for one minute. Drain. Put half of them on sml. plate and go at them fast by *popping* 1-3 of them unto your other, closed hand bc they are slippery!
Then dry on towel and in very low (<200F) warm T/oven.
DeAnne says
When making almond flour, does 1 lb of raw almonds make 1 lb of almond flour, or will it weigh less?
It should be the same.
Lee says
Maybe this is a stupid question but do you dry the blanched almonds first before putting them into the blender? I assume you do but maybe not??? unless I’m missing it, it doesn’t say in the recipe. Help, please.
Hi Lee, it isn’t needed! We buy pre-blanched almonds.
Robin says
Yes. Low, warm heat <200F
Leslie says
best cream for face is: 1 cup raw almond flour
2 T honey (from your area is best)
2 drops peppermint oil
First soak face with Schizandra Tea to open pores and get the benefit of a rosy complexion
Mix into a paste the ingredients listed above. Rub lightly onto face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes,
rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Must store in refrigerator. Best used within 2 weeks, and make fresh batch to use again.
Super for oily problem skin.
Rennie says
I would like to see these recipes without them being vegan or gluten free, please.
Leslie says
One thing I learned: A coffee grinder works for nuts and spices. Easier and cheaper too.
Red says
What speed do you have your vitamix at for this?
Will it work with a dry container as well or are you using the wet one?
Hi Red, a low setting should do the trick. We recommend drying the container before use.
dee says
There are two different containers for the Vitamix; one for using dry ingredients such as grinding wheat. And there is the other container which is normally used. which is for wet ingredients, such as making almond butter. I feel that you are asking the question; which of these two containers are more likely to produce a good almond flour. I would like to know myself. Thanks for any further answer.
Hmm! We’ve only ever seen/used the container it came with.
MS says
Can we use a food processor instead of a blender?
Thanks in advance!
Yes! It likely will not get quite as fine, but yes it will work!
Sandra Vera says
Great post, I always question myself about almon meal and flour.
Thank you!